Saturday, April 11, 2009


Today is the day before tomorrow.

This is my first and possibly last "blog." I started this on a whim and after setting up the account, I'm totally burned out.--Steven Wright was right. At this point, I don't know what to say. Shall I be offensive or smiley faced. It was so much easier when Bush was President--he was the DECIDER. Now there is an empty space. a vacuum if you will. Obama has never mentioned being a DECIDER, so where does that leave us. Who if anyone is doing the DECIDING. I have a bad feeling that this is all going to be dumped on my plate.

If I'm named DECIDER. What's the pay rate. Will I have to move to DC and can I afford it. I have a son living in Alexandria VA. and he claims it costs a billion dollars a year to live there. Can I get some of that bailout money for rent support? Son has a girlfriend and a cat. I could use the cat's room. Seriously, the cat has it's own room. Son says no, cats are very territorial.

Does anyone have a way of contacting President Obama? If you do, can I use you as a reference? I would really appreciate any help that you could bring me in my quest to become the next DECIDER.

Thanking you in advace

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