Friday, July 10, 2009


Today is the day before tomorrow

Congratulations are in order. I just received my PhD in Economics from Diplomas R' Us ($89.95 + shipping and handling.) I will now be able to add my learned voice to the cacophony surrounding our economy. I already e-mailed Tim (Mr. Geithner to you.) Haven't had a reply yet, but I know he's a busy man.

I have been corresponding with my mentor at Diplomas R' Us, Dr. Richard Head, chair of the Economics Dept., to broaden my knowledge of what is going on in our economic world. Dick is in a funk these days. Tim hasn't replied to his e-mails either. They have a bit of an adversarial relationship, both claiming to be the founders of an economic theory based on the concept of a parallel world.

Dick says that what is going on here in our world is being orchestrated in our parallel world and in order to set things right here, we have to straighten things out there. At first, I scoffed at him. It sounded like one of those fringe elements on the net. But given the circumstances of what is going on in this world, I am inclined to keep an open mind.

The bottom line is they (parallel world) want a quadrillion dollars and Michael Jackson, to fix things on our side. Apparently, the Jackson part has been taken care of - thanks Joe. (conspiracy theorists take note.) I pointed out to Dick there was no such thing as a quadrillion dollars, but all he said was to give it a year.

Saturday, May 30, 2009


Today is the day before tomorrow.

We left Pittsburgh on a mid May Friday for Alexandria Va. where we were to spend what was left of Friday and on through Sunday morning. We made good time until we hit the DC area. Betty, our GPS, squawked at me the whole last hour of the trip. Of course, it was rush hour. I never learn.

Sunday morning we all piled into son's girlfriend's SUV. I really don't know how we were able to get everything in there. We made good time until the tunnel under the bay. The last time I went down, I didn't even know there was a tunnel under the bay. Being claustrophobic, I would have chosen an area where I didn't have to go under a bay.

We arrived Sunday about 4:30PM. and the rental office was closed. Luckily someone else showed up at the same time and showed us a box that was full of keys and papers with directions on them. Maybe we should have traded up. We drove another 20 miles and Jill, their GPS, squawked that we had arrived. After unloading the 7 tons of items from the SUV, we settled in and waited for my other son and his family to arrive.The house was quite nice. It was literally, right on the beach.

After other son and family arrived, we went grocery shopping. We still had a discount card from a chain named Food Lion, which we set off for. Surprisingly, their prices were much less than at home. This made the women very happy. Instead of spending more for less, they could spend more for more.

The days were fairly routine. It was a lot of fun watching granddaughter (4) playing in the sand and surf. At least once a day one of my sons would get in the car to go somewhere. It was at that point that I realized that I was trapped. No wheels. Anxiety sets in. How did I let this happen to me. It was always me who disappeared.

Except for the tunnel under the bay, the only thing that really bothered me was a dinner at a seafood buffet. I don't believe they have a health department that checks out the restaurants. This place would never have opened at home. We had a bucket and a roll of paper towels on our table. Aside from that, there were none of the usual squabbles that go with family vacations and a good time was had by everyone.

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Today is the day before tomorrow.

This is my first and possibly last "blog." I started this on a whim and after setting up the account, I'm totally burned out.--Steven Wright was right. At this point, I don't know what to say. Shall I be offensive or smiley faced. It was so much easier when Bush was President--he was the DECIDER. Now there is an empty space. a vacuum if you will. Obama has never mentioned being a DECIDER, so where does that leave us. Who if anyone is doing the DECIDING. I have a bad feeling that this is all going to be dumped on my plate.

If I'm named DECIDER. What's the pay rate. Will I have to move to DC and can I afford it. I have a son living in Alexandria VA. and he claims it costs a billion dollars a year to live there. Can I get some of that bailout money for rent support? Son has a girlfriend and a cat. I could use the cat's room. Seriously, the cat has it's own room. Son says no, cats are very territorial.

Does anyone have a way of contacting President Obama? If you do, can I use you as a reference? I would really appreciate any help that you could bring me in my quest to become the next DECIDER.

Thanking you in advace